Examination & Evaluation Policy

1. Classes LKG to II –The grading system is an overall assessment of the child’s performance in the class which includes written as well as oral skills. The progress card is are based on the performance in asssessments/worksheets/class activities/oral testing assignments/project work assigned on regular basis.

The achievement of the students of classes LKG to II will be graded in accordance with the following five point scale.

A* Outstanding 90% - 100%
A Excellent 75% - 89%
B Very Good 56% - 74%
C Good 35% - 55%
D Scope for improvement Below 35%

2. Classes III to VIII

Academic year is divided into two terms:-

Term – I (100 marks: 1st half of the session)

Consists of one Periodic Assessment and Half Yearly Examination.

Term – II (100 marks: 2nd half of the session)

Consists of one Periodic Assessment and Yearly Examination.

Periodic Assessment (PA) comprises of the Weekly pen and paper Test which carries a weightage of 10%, Subject Enrichment of 5 marks (awarded for debate, role play, group discussion, project, lab activities etc. in accordance to the requirement of the subject) and Notebook Submission of 5 marks (awarded for regularity, punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep). All components put together in PA carries a weightage of 20% towards the cumulative assessment in each term.

Half Yearly and Yearly Examination are pen and paper examinations at the end of each term for all classes.

The overall assessment of a child constitutes both scholastic and co-scholastic areas. The child will be assessed in co-scholastic areas on the following parameters:

  1. Work Education (Skill based activities resulting in goods or services useful to the community).
  2. Art Education (Visual and Performing Arts).
  3. Health and Physical Education (Sports /Martial Arts/Yoga etc).
  4. Discipline (Attendance, sincerity, behaviour, values, tidiness, respect for rules and regulations, attitude towards society, nation and others).
A Outstanding
B Very Good
C Fair

The progress card will reflect marks obtained alongwith the grades in Scholastic Areas (given on an eight point grading scale) and in Co-Scholastic Areas (given on a three point grading scale) as detailed below:-

91 – 100 A 1
81 - 90 A 2
71 - 80 B 1
61 – 70 B 2
51 – 60 C 1
41 – 50 C 2
33 – 40 D
32 & Below E (Needs improvement)

3. Class IX and X

The Assessment scheme will have 80 marks component for Board Examination (class X) and Yearly Examination (class IX) in all scholastic subjects along with 20 marks component of Internal Assessment. Students have to secure 33 percent in total in each of these components.

Internal Assessment- 20 marks (in accordance with assessment structure of CBSE for classes IX & X ,details available on www.cbse.nic.in.

  • (1) Periodic Assessment (10 marks) – Is further divided into the following:-
    • (i) Periodic Test(05 Marks) : Three written tests { Pre-Mid Term, Mid Term ( Half Yearly) and Post-Mid term} will be held for each subject in an academic year. The average of the best two tests will be reflected in the cumulative Report Card to be given at the end of Term II.
    • (ii) Multiple Assessment (05 Marks) – Awarded for observation , oral tests, individual or group work, class discussion , field- work , concept maps, graphic organizers, visual representation etc.
  • (2) Portfolio (5 marks)- Includes classwork and homework assignments, exemplary work, summarization and organization of ideas and content etc.
  • (3) Subject Enrichment Activities(05 marks)

The report card will not only reflect marks and grades (given on an eight point grading scale as detailed below) obtained in Scholastic Areas but also in grades( given on a five point scale A,B,C,D and E)in Co-Scholastic Areas:

91 – 100 A 1
81 - 90 A 2
71 - 80 B 1
61 – 70 B 2
51 – 60 C 1
41 – 50 C 2
33 – 40 D
32 & Below E (Failed)

4. Class – XI

Class XI students will be evaluated on the syllabi as prescribed by the CBSE.

The evaluation is based on the conventional system. There will be 2 Unit Tests, Half Yearly and Yearly Examination.

The detail can be viewed in the following format :-

Unit tests = 20 % (A) Half Yearly = 30 % (B) Annual Examination = 50 % (C) Annual Result (A+B+C = 100 %)

Depending upon the nature of the subject/s the examination would be conducted in theory and in practical as well.

6. Class – XII
Class XII will have 2 Unit Tests + Half-Yearly Exam + Pre-Board Exam/s.

Term I Unit Test Half Yearly Exam
Term II Unit Test Pre Board Exam/s

Pre-Board Examination
The question papers and marking scheme will be based on the pattern of CBSE Board Exams. The entire syllabus will be tested in the exams.
It is compulsory for all students to appear in all cycle tests as well as Half Yearly and Pre-Board Examinations.
As per CBSE Guidelines, the students who have not completed a regular course of study i.e. have not completed 75% attendance will not be eligible to appear in Board’s examination of Class X/XII.
The final exams will be conducted by CBSE and it is mandatory to obtain 33% marks in theory and practical separately for a clear pass. [The details can be viewed at www.cbse.nic.in]

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